Sunday, April 20, 2008

Opening Day

Ian took his first swing (pun intended) at little league baseball yesterday. He is playing a very basic version of t-ball called Blast Ball, which is designed for 3 and 4 year olds. It involves one base, and a gang of preschoolers in the field who run and tackle each other for the ball. It's very entertaining. Ian has actually proved to be quite the hitter, and is enjoying being part of his team, the Bears.

Andy has now graduated from Blast Ball and is now playing full fledged t-ball with the kindergarten set. His team, the Legends, is learning to play positions in the field and run all the bases.


Anonymous said...

Aw, so cute! I bet they're tons of fun to watch.

Carrie said...

Dan: "OH! Wow!" (fellow ball-player admiration.)