Saturday, February 16, 2008

Peter's E.R. Visit

Peter got an all-expenses-paid trip to the Baltimore-Washington Medical Center's Emergency Room today, courtesy of a large gash at his right eyebrow. The gash was courtesy of an older brother who was not in the mood to share trains, so gave young Peter a wee push. (The culprit was duly disciplined.) This caused Peter's head to contact either Grandfather's antique table or the hardwood floor (we're not sure which) while falling down.

Jessica endured three hours at the E.R. Word is that the nursing staff had to wrap Peter tightly in a blanket (baby burrito style) and pin him down to keep him sufficiently immobilized for the stitching. He made mighty use of his lungs during this process. They had to give FIVE stitches total.

For our younger viewers, the moral is this: share your toys, and don't push.

Lincoln Log Potato

Peter, enjoy his flexibility and snuggly seat.

Counter Coffee

Sometimes I (Tom) know I really need a cup of coffee. Indicia of such need include: sleepy eyes, head bobbing, incoherent thoughts, and forgetting to put the carafe back into the coffee maker before pressing the "brew" button. Where it is in this photo is just where I had left it! Another indicator is sitting across the counter and not noticing the fact that there is hot brewed coffee dripping onto your burner, across the counter, down the face of the dishwasher, and pooling on the floor. Oh well. (This was a couple of weeks ago; I got behind on the photos.)

Ian Dresses Himself

I love those easy-access back jeans pockets.