Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Andy and His Peeps

Last week, we had the opportunity to go hear my (Jessica's) dad performing in a Friday Morning Music Club recital. The boys loved hearing Granda sing solo, and even Peter was pretty impressive when it came to sitting attentively through his first classical music recital. Ian and Andy appear to be old pros at this kind of thing by now.

Also on the program was a performance of a Bach piano piece and a Beethoven sonata for piano and violin. The Beethoven was performed by a rather accomplished husband and wife duo named the Suzukis. I don't have their bios in front of me, but if memory serves, the husband (violin) was concert master of the Ontario Symphony for 15 years, and they have multiple recordings on the EMI label. Pretty fancy company for us amateurs! Andy was in his element talking piano, and charmed Zeyda Suzuki (piano) so much that she requested that he be in this picture taken of all the pianists on the program.

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